General Inquiries

Timothy Bretl
158 Coordinated Science Laboratory • 217-244-3126 •


Administrative Support

Stephanie McCullough
153 Coordinated Science Laboratory • 217-244-1033 •

Join Our Group

If you would be joining as an undergraduate student, please send an email to Prof. Bretl with a brief statement of interest and with your curriculum vitae attached as a PDF document. We offer course credit for a sufficient time commitment.

If you would be joining as a graduate student, please send an email to Prof. Bretl with a brief statement of interest and with your application package (curriculum vitae, statement of purpose, and letters of reference) attached as a single PDF document. We are primarily interested in students who would like to obtain a PhD. Please be sure to indicate whether or not you already have a source of funding. We are committed to supporting every member of our group.

If you would be joining as a postdoctoral scholar, please send an email to Prof. Bretl with a brief statement of interest and with your curriculum vitae and three representative publications attached as PDF documents.

Visit Our Facilities

We maintain two laboratories at Illinois for experimental work. If you would like a tour of these laboratories, please send an email to Dave Hanley or contact our Administrative Assistant, Stephanie McCullough (217-244-1033,


2508 Beckman Institute
405 North Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801



B16 Coordinated Science Laboratory
1308 West Main Street 
Urbana, IL 61801